The Creative Works of Ian D. Campbell

My Blog

Creative writing has always been a passion of mine and expressing myself through words in a way that honors and represents our human experience is very dear to me. I hope you enjoy my writings and find them insightful and lead to introspection for you as readers.

An Exodus

Wanting bliss, but its more numbness to hide the darkness and to truly understand what is the dark about the darkness. My passion feels misguided

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Wrestling Tournament

And once the spark ignites a passionate fire, the intertwining of two bodies, two spirits become a slow dance under the Moon Goddess. Our mutual

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Amusement Park

As the rain season begins, I seek rebirth. From grayness and wetness, we can grow – transform and spring forth into a fresh renewal filled

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Family Ties

I’ve recently been traveling more frequently to my hometown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, due to my mother’s failing health as of this writing. As I grow

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